Korako's Blog

This is my blog where I'll publish on everything that is currently of interest to me

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

[ BG ] Ерата на малките терористи в България

Попаднах на статия, която силно ме впечатли. Тя беше публикувана в http://www.actualno.com и може да бъде намерена на адрес
До каква степен имаме проблем с насилието сред децата? Всеки изминал месец попадам на новини за ученици, които влизат в училището си въоръжени и извършват някое кърваво "холивудско" деяние. Доскоро тези истории бяха само поредните новини от Щатите ("защото там всички са луди и презадоволени") или отскоро и от Германия ("защото там всички са толкова обучавани на ред и дисциплина и е нормално да изфирясат").
Е да де, ама очевидно този проблем идва и до нашата глава и вече стандартните обяснения от по-горе "не вървят". И този проблем не е на родителите, които слушат Планета или тези които не ходят по театри и изложби. Проблемът е на общество като цяло, проблемът е недостатъчната връзка между нашето поколение и нашите деца. Тези деца, които са принудени да растат в изолация от родителите си абдикирали отговорността си да възпитават и демонстрират основни ценности. Тези деца, които най-много биха искали поне веднъж в седмицата да имат вечеря заедно с мама и татко.
Не съм сигурен как да завърша това постче, не искам да отправям послания, но от друга страна ...има нещо гнило.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

[ Interesting ] Evolution and Genetic Algorithms

Evolution, baby!
Recently, I become interested in evolution and I kept thinking about the famous Darvin's theory. Does it really explain, how the chameleon evolved so that its tongue reaches twice the size of its body(!?) , how the necks of the giraffe evolved to be so long, how do some types of snakes grew larger teeth to contain more poison, how did the dolphins in the amazon evolved to use echolocation instead of sight and also use this echolocation signals to paralyze some type of fish and many other various examples from the animal kingdom that I cannot explain through evolution. For example, if the chameleon tongue grew little by little, in the beginning it was of no use to it and thus evolution should not have favored this mutation.
In the next few months, I intend to spend some time on researching the biological side of evolution. In the meantime, I looked over the computer science side of evolution. There is a nice set of algorithms that base their idea on evolution. These genetic algorithms aim at reaching a good solution to NP-hard optimization problems. Today, I read a few tutorials on the subject that I would like to share:

I hope this topic raises some comments... :)

Friday, July 21, 2006

[ Interesting ] Money destruction

An interesting topic that I came upon these days is the money destruction. The main question is if you are allowed to demolish money or not. And if you destroy the money, can you use the remains for other purposes. The discussion arose since we heard on the news of some guys that gathered a lot of 1c and 2c coins, melted them and sold them for metal. They earned more than the value of the money, but they were sued for it. This arose the interesting question who owns the coins and the banknotes in my wallet and what am I  allowed to do with them. As expected every single country has individual laws for it.
The basic thing is that in most of the countries the coins and the banknotes are property of the person and in this manner he is allowed to destroy them. However he is not allowed to destroy them with "fraudulent intent".  Basically this means that you are allowed to burn banknotes for fun, but you are not allowed to melt them and cell them for money, but what if you melt them and cell them as a sculpture?! In some countries the coins and the banknotes have on them faces of monarchs and dictators and such are forbidden to be destroyed. More information for the American dollars can be found here: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=77334 . For other currencies...google it!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

[ Fun ] Don't drink SO much

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Saturday, June 10, 2006

[ Fun ] IQ test for blonds

Actually for everyone...and remember, you need a result of at least 5/7 to clain that you are not blond.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

[ Fun ] A wild ceremony

A young preacher is giving his first ceremony. Afterwards the old preature shares with him his "recommendations":
- Look, it was a good ceremony, but:
1. I told you to put a bit of vodka in the water, not the other way around

2. In that glass of water, you don't put neither ice, nor lemon

3. From that glass of water, you were supposed to take small sips, not dring it at once

4. You cannot wipe your mouth with your robe

5. The commendments are 10, not 12

6. The apostols are 12, not 10

7. You cannot use the bible as support for the glass

8. when you talk about the cross, you cannot say: the big "T" on top of the altar

9. Jesus and the apostols are not "The son and his gang"

10. Judas is not a "dirty bastard"

11. It's not nice to call the Pope the "Godfather"

12. Magdalene was a sinner, not a hore

13. The initiative to invite the public to applaude was good. but it was too much to invite them to dance Macarena, to make the "train" and invite sister Daniele to streap tease

14. The holy water is for blessing, not to cool your neck

15. the small box is for confessions, not the toilet

16. The holy bread is to be given without Nutella

17. The guy on the cross is Jesus, not Che Guevara

18. See that you always have underwear, and , when it's hot, avoid making air with your robe

19. The ceremony lasts for 1 hour, not 2 halves, 45 minutes each

Saturday, May 20, 2006

[ FUN ] The internet is for ...

The funniest song...