Korako's Blog

This is my blog where I'll publish on everything that is currently of interest to me

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

[ Interesting ] Evolution and Genetic Algorithms

Evolution, baby!
Recently, I become interested in evolution and I kept thinking about the famous Darvin's theory. Does it really explain, how the chameleon evolved so that its tongue reaches twice the size of its body(!?) , how the necks of the giraffe evolved to be so long, how do some types of snakes grew larger teeth to contain more poison, how did the dolphins in the amazon evolved to use echolocation instead of sight and also use this echolocation signals to paralyze some type of fish and many other various examples from the animal kingdom that I cannot explain through evolution. For example, if the chameleon tongue grew little by little, in the beginning it was of no use to it and thus evolution should not have favored this mutation.
In the next few months, I intend to spend some time on researching the biological side of evolution. In the meantime, I looked over the computer science side of evolution. There is a nice set of algorithms that base their idea on evolution. These genetic algorithms aim at reaching a good solution to NP-hard optimization problems. Today, I read a few tutorials on the subject that I would like to share:

I hope this topic raises some comments... :)


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